Monday, November 21, 2016

I wish you could all come to our Wednesday classes.

Each Wednesday night when we have a class about essential oils in Oceanside CA we have a terrific time learning together.  I have a dedicated group of men and women to come faithfully and who apply new knowledge in a very supportive atmosphere.  They are losing emotional baggage as well as some extra pounds.  One has lost 30 lbs already, and others are feeling much more empowered in their own personal abilities to monitor and control wellness.  We have had some great instruction from visiting experts as well.  It would be great to reach more people.  Perhaps podcasts are in the future for us?

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Reviewing the Basics of Essential Oils Use

It's been about 18 months since I started hosting classes each week at Be Ready Inc to help educate people around me about the proper and safe use of essential oils.  These oils are brilliant!!!  In all that time, we have not been able to repeat a class because there has always been something new that we've learned during the week.  We're having terrific personal experiences in applying them in many functional and purposeful ways. 

However, some who have joined our class missed out on the beginning classes which addressed simple introductions to the nature of the oils, how to test, what to look for, precautions, applications and other useful instruction.  So we are going back to the beginning.  Last week we had an overview of essential oils.  This week we are talking about self muscle testing techniques to help a person choose the right oil for himself/herself.  I hope everyone will learn to use them appropriately and effectively because the more you learn about them, the more you want to know.  Like I said, they're brilliant!