Friday, July 20, 2018

Completed my Naturopath diploma course. Certificate in hand.

I am happy to announce that my Naturopath course is finished and I got high marks on my assessment results.  I am now officially a member in the International Alliance of Holistic Therapists as well.  Certified.  Ready to roll.   I have been working on Naturopath, Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Aromatherapy courses this past year and a half.  The field is expanding and enhancing so quickly it's hard to keep up with the latest research.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Energy Healing Conference June 2018

Wow.  I had an amazing time at the Salt Palace in Salt Lake City UT last month.  Many wonderful speakers presented a big variety of skills and techniques, and there were lots of vendors to buy from.  I did love listening to the presenters, but even more so, I loved just talking to the vendors and people sitting by me.  I'm really glad I went.