Thursday, December 15, 2016

Charting the Biofield (You have one, even if you don't know yet what it is)

I've been very intrigued by some  training videos I saw recently on by Eileen McKusick, in which she demonstrated her ability to listen carefully to changes in the tone of a tuning fork to access and harness incoherent energies in her patients' biofield, (energy space immediately surrounding living organisms).  These energies had reference to unresolved negative emotions and their effect on the physical body.  The goal was to find, identify and then release the disharmony and positively affect associated physical pain levels in the areas of imbalance.  Apparently she has had good success with this for 20 years.
I've had personal experience with releasing negative energies in different ways, but my mind began to whirl when she mentioned that sadness seems to inhabit the right side of the biofield and anger the left side.  She also mentioned that these emotions and stratified and timelined.  I have not read her book, in which she says she has a biofield map already.  But I have charts of emotions so I made my own stratified 3D chart,

Big Earthquakes and Big Rainstorm Hitting. Are you prepared?

Today I heard of three separate California earthquakes, and that's after having a major earthquake just 2 weeks ago.  Japan and Indonesia also had major earthquake readings a few days ago.  Tonight we're supposed to get a major rainstorm with 75-125 mph winds and 1-3" of downpour.  Sounds like power outages and road blockages in the making.  Make sure you have solar lights charged up and plenty of essential oils on hand for emotional strain and physical effects of any damage the storm could do to you or to your ability to get to a doctor. It's just a really good idea to have solar power and solar lights and a good library of essential oils that you use on a regular basis so that whenever anything gets interrupted, life moves forward more smoothly.  I use them daily.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Some Essential Oil Remedies for Intestinal Parasites

I read that 75% of the population carries intestinal parasites of 5 basic kinds.  Each causes eventual symptoms and disruptions, and I know of at least 3 members of my own family who battle them.  So today I created four recipes for myself and some of my children, based on individual muscle testing, for our personal use.  This time I used doTERRA brand essential oils.  Oils are listed from most to least in amount in the blend:

1:  Cinnamon, Black cumin, Basil, Rosemary, Thyme
2:  HD Clear Blend, Cypress
3:  Terra Shield Outdoor Blend, Vetiver, Arborvitae, YlangYlang, Wintergreen and Geranium
4:  Arborvitae, Terra Shield Outdoor Blend, Wintergreen, Geranium, Vetiver, Ylang Ylang and Peppermint

Friday, December 9, 2016

My "Condition" is a SYMPTOM of Imbalances, not a Life Sentence

I was told I could never lose weight.
I was told I'd have to wear compression garments 24/7  for the rest of my life to get rid of pain and swelling.
I was told that I would continue to swell uncontrollably and would lose my self-esteem.
I was told that there is no known remedy.
Were you told the same things?
I reject the prognosis.  I reject the pain.  I reject the probability of needing a psychiatrist.  I reject the weight.
Despite what I was TOLD, I've EXPERIENCED far better than this.  My inflammation is greatly reduced.  My swelling is going down.  My pain levels are decreasing and I am beginning to recognize myself in the mirror again.
How?  What did I change?  I changed the things that were causing the swelling, the pain, the inflammation.  I took inflammatory foods out of my diet and did a heavy metals/chemicals detox under the care of a qualified and experienced naturopathic doctor.  I addressed the parasites and yeast infections that have plagued me for years, I exercised more and I got the rest I needed.  I took whole food supplements and holistic liquids that targeted affected areas, guided by my doctor.  I had chiropractic care and acupuncture.  I use essential oils.  I LOVE ESSENTIAL OILS and research/use them every day. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Plumping up like a Chicken!!!

Last night I suffered from insomnia and hot flashes again after having mostly gotten rid of them with dietary changes these last 3 months.   I weighed myself and had put on 5 lbs in 24 hours. Good Grief!!!  What had happened to me?!!
All About Rotisserie Chicken - Betty CrockerI started muscle testing myself to find answers.  Was it the blend of essential oils I had used for my knee pain?  Was it the calming blend I had created to help me sleep?  No to both.  Then what could it be?  Was it something I ate?  Yes.  What did I eat out of the ordinary?  For dinner I had picked up a rotisserie chicken at a grocery store I don't usually buy them from.  I ate a leg and a wing.  Was it the chicken?  Yes, but was not the chicken itself exactly, but the additives and hormones the chicken had been plumped up with.  Overnight I too had been plumped up.  GROSS!!!   I feel so violated sometimes when I find out what is being put into our foods--even those we thought would be healthy.  Is that why I suffered from insomnia, hot flashes and inability to lose weight for 20 years?   I think that it was a major player in my dis-ease and a factor that enabled other imbalances to occur.   And to think I fed the same hormone-laden poultry to all my family all those years.  It just makes me sick------quite literally. 

Monday, December 5, 2016

Challenging my readers in 90 different countries to # LIGHT THE WORLD

There is too much contention everywhere.  Why do we spend so much time tearing each other down rather than building each other up?  Prepare not only to survive, but to thrive when hard times come by serving others around you for no hope of reward or recognition.  Lift someone else up, and you yourself will feel lifted, your burdens lighter.           see
I have readers in about 90 different countries, and I present this challenge to all of you.  No matter where you live, there is something you can do for someone else.  For those of you who are Christian, as I am, there is a challenge presented to us to do something each day from Dec 1 to Christmas Day to spread light wherever you are by imitating what Jesus Christ did to lift others.  You can see the advent calendar of daily challenges on  Several millions of us around the world are taking on this challenge.  Join us.  If you are not Christian, do something good in your own way to # Light the World. and make lives better, which in turn makes your own life better.