Thursday, December 15, 2016

Charting the Biofield (You have one, even if you don't know yet what it is)

I've been very intrigued by some  training videos I saw recently on by Eileen McKusick, in which she demonstrated her ability to listen carefully to changes in the tone of a tuning fork to access and harness incoherent energies in her patients' biofield, (energy space immediately surrounding living organisms).  These energies had reference to unresolved negative emotions and their effect on the physical body.  The goal was to find, identify and then release the disharmony and positively affect associated physical pain levels in the areas of imbalance.  Apparently she has had good success with this for 20 years.
I've had personal experience with releasing negative energies in different ways, but my mind began to whirl when she mentioned that sadness seems to inhabit the right side of the biofield and anger the left side.  She also mentioned that these emotions and stratified and timelined.  I have not read her book, in which she says she has a biofield map already.  But I have charts of emotions so I made my own stratified 3D chart,
imagining myself standing vertically in the the center of a horizontal clock.  Using the 12 points of a clock as my "marks" and the 7 chakra points plus the star and earth points as extensions, I created a mental image of 9 layers of clocks ranging from well over my head to the soles of my feet, extending out 6' in all directions.  From that I created a spreadsheet chart and placed 108 negative emotions of 12 main "types" where they lined up for me personally.  Dividing the "clock" into 4 quadrants, I noticed that from 9:00-12:00 seemed to be self defensive anger, fear, pride, jealousy, etc.  From 12:00-3:00 was our reaction to things beyond our control: worry, trapped, hopeless, sadness, anxiety, etc. In the two quadrants that were "behind" me, 3:00-6:00 dealt with emotional battle scars such as trauma, fatigue, feeling overwhelmed or neglected, and 6:00-9:00 was confusion, loss, grief, feeling worthless, embarrassment--a negative assessment of my overall situation.  The "heaviest" emotions were the closest to the earth in the stratified layers.  Eileen McKusick also said that the farther away from the body the energy was found, the longer it had been stuck there on our life's timeline  It will be interesting to see how my formulations line up with Eileen McKusick's expertise and experience.
I tested my chart by finding a spot on my body that was feeling pain at the moment.  It lined up with about 5:00 on my imagined clock and my sacral section layer about 1" from my body.  Looking at the chart, I saw the word "Peeved", which is my #1 emotion that I keep clearing out of that area, so it seemed to work well as an indicator of which recent emotional energy could be trapped in that biofield point, causing pain.
Now I'm curious about how our positive emotions line up in the same format.  That's my next "mad science experiment".

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