Monday, May 26, 2014

Give your body what it needs and it will heal itself

Wellness is made of many pieces.  One missing piece can ruin the stability and function of the rest.  For example, if your hormones are unbalanced, you may be moody, bloated, unable to sleep, stressed, mentally and physically fatigued, depressed, plagued with night sweats, unable to lose weight.............etc.  Before rushing to prescriptions, ask yourself "What's missing?" 
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Saturday, May 24, 2014

Choose foods that are right for YOU.

Have you ever wondered why you feel good after eating an apple, but gassy and bloated after you eat an orange?  Aren't they both supposed to be good for you?  Do you have trouble digesting things that are on the healthy list and wonder what's going on?  If you learn how to muscle test yourself, you can make better food choices for yourself specifically.  I found out at age 55 that I don't do well with tomatoes, peppers and potatoes--the entire nightshade family.  I stopped eating much of them and feel better.  Learn about applied kinesiology.  It actually works!

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