Monday, August 26, 2019

Common Emotions Associated with Abnormal Fat

Lots of us have abnormal fat that isn't budging regardless of diets and exercise.  For some of us that means a diagnosis (if you're lucky enough to have a well-informed doctor) of lipedema.  That's a fancy word for lots of toxic fluids and fats which accumulate disproportionately in your legs and arms and can make life miserable both physically and emotionally.
Emotionally, the inability to control the progression of the symptoms through diet or exercise is terribly frustrating, as we are fighting this monster daily.
Besides lack of control, we feel estranged socially, limited in our ability to do activities or to exercise.  In fact, it is most commonly recommended for lipidemic patients not to exercise.  Yes, really!  The loss of this lifestyle brings on loss of hope, despair, rejection, pessimism about our future and even grieving over the loss of the lifestyle we once envisioned for ourselves.  It's called "painful fat" for emotional reasons as well as physical.
But we can't just stay in that mindset.
Be active at whatever level does not make you breathe hard (that shuts down the lymphatic system).  Focus.  Concentrate your energies.  Take the initiative to research, to participate, to put your life experience next to someone else's and compare notes on what works.  Your energy is needed.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Mind Body Spirit connection--Don't Shoot the Messenger

Do you sometimes get random pains and wonder why?
Don't rush to the medicine chest to find a pain killer.
Instead, you can find out that there is a message in the pain, stemming from trapped emotions or spiritual pain.  These trapped energies signal the brain with a pain message from somewhere in the body where these energies are housed.  Find out what the message is and the pain goes away on its own.  It's called energy healing.  Simple.
Learn how to do this for yourself and others.  It's a life changer.  I can help.

Monday, August 12, 2019

doTERRA 2019 Convention Sep 11-13--come watch it with me

doTERRA tickets for Salt Lake are sold out, but that's OK.  You can come watch it with me via live streaming Sep 11-13 at Be Ready Inc in San Marcos.  Email me at to let me know you're coming and I'll save you a seat.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Swollen lymph glands and feet? What to do........? Try this.

Have you ever wondered which essential oils you could use when your feet get swollen and your lymph glands get sore?  I use this blend in a lotion when I foot zone my customers who have stagnant lymph ducts in their ankles and feet.  Here's the ratio:  10 drops tangerine, 6 dr juniper berry, 3 dr geranium, 2 dr rosemary and 1 dr cilantro.  I make enough of this to put in some good spa lotion to keep on hand.  I use doTERRA essential oils because I've tried enough of the competing brands to know that they're no competition for the purity and integrity of the doTERRA brand oils.  They are the ones I trust after years and years of comparisons.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Finding the puzzle pieces through education

I am on a healing journey, and I gave up giving away my control of my own health years ago.  I have taken and finished certification courses in kinesiology, reflexology, foot zoning, craniosacral therapy, emotion clearing, anatomy & physiology, naturopathy, nutrition, herbology, aromatherapy, essential oils and have affiliated with state and international holistic associations.  I no longer have to react out of fear to a prognosis I didn't understand, or a procedure/medication I didn't choose.  This is in my hands, and I choose to put all the rest of it in God's Hands.  Together we will beat this thing called lipedema.  Are you with me?

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Why I LOVE doTERRA Essential Oils

Since 2012 I have used these oils on a daily basis to address every physical and emotional issue we have faced except childbirth.  If you have not researched essential oils, then you don't know that most (90+%) are diluted, altered with chemicals and fertilizers, dummied down to be cheap and created from distressed plants.  doTERRA never does that.  In fact, they use 54 different tests and independent third-party labs for EVERY BATCH of oils they collect from around the world!!!  Integrity is their mantra.  I've tried and tested other brands and no one compares.  No one, no matter how big their name or how big their brand.  No one.  Trust doTERRA to give you the highest vibrational frequencies and help.
For more info, email me at  I've taught classes on this for years!

Monday, April 1, 2019

Foot Zoning treats the body holistically, and it's AMAZING!!!

Find out more about this terrific way of balancing every part of your body through your FOOT.  A very detailed and specific foot massage routine increases brain communication, circulation and lymphatic flow.  Once you experience it, you'll be hooked!!  Check it out at