Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Challenging day?

Do you ever feel like this:     businesswoman_multi_tasking_150_clr_17885
I do. 
At those times it's hard to stop and be grateful that I have a good working mind, that I have good food to eat, that I can read, that I have technology at my fingertips, that I have a job I love, that I have ideas and challenges to fill my hours.  If I stop for a minute and breathe.........in.....out.........I realize that my challenges are  blessings.  And I suddenly feel much better.  How about you?

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Why isn't everyone taught this simple compatibility trick? It works!

If you want to know if your body will benefit from eating something, do this before putting it into your mouth:
1.  Stand upright in a balanced and easy stance.
2.  Breathe in deeply and normally through your nose, trying to completely fill your lungs, throat, sinuses.  Don't strain; just take a nice deep full breath.  Can you breathe freely the whole way up?  If so, let go of the breath and go to step 3.  If no, breathe out anyway and wait for another day when your breathing is clear.
3.  Hold the substance in your hands.  Bring your hands up against your mid-section just under your rib cage in the solar plexus area.  Hold the substance gently against yourself with loose hands.  Relax. Clear your mind and try to get rid of ANY opinion about the matter.  You must want to know TRUTH.
4.  Ask yourself something like "Is this good for me?"  or "Should I use this?" (a simple yes/no question).
5.  Try again to take a nice deep breath through your nose.  Don't strain.  Just breathe in naturally and normally.  Do you notice a change?  Does it feel like your breathing muscles shut down a bit?  Does it feel like your lungs don't want to fully inflate?  Can you only take in a partial breath?  If so, your body is not compatible with whatever it is you were holding. 
Regardless of what any diet/nutrition/health book or article or show says, not everyone can or should eat the same things, and this is one way to isolate whatever is incompatible with you personally, regardless of how someone else responds to it.  It's kinesiology, or "muscle response" testing you can do anywhere, any time. 
Try it on food.  Try it on toothpaste, vitamins, shampoo, laundry detergent, spices, beverages, fast foods.  You will find that much of what you are using for cleaners, supplements, food, hygiene, room fresheners, beverages, etc. works against you and actually depletes your muscle strength.  Avoid those substances.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Purify Skin Therapy brand oils--I LOVE THIS BRAND and Holly's expertise.

Check out www.purifyskintherapy.com
Your body is the most amazing thing on the planet!
Highly technical, multi-dimensional, extremely complicated.
You Have Several Layers:
Physical Body
Spirit Body (the Soul)
Emotional Body (Your Emotions)
Intellectual Body (Your Mind)
Energetic Body

Be Aware of and Maintain all Your Layers for Better Health
It's important to understand all the layers of your body and work with them. Ignoring issues in any of your layers may only come back to bite you, and possibly effect your health.
Essential oils are extremely useful for working with ALL the layers of the body because of their energetic and high vibrational nature.
Release Blend ~ For the Emotional Body
The Release blend can aid your body to release low frequency emotions
like anger, hate, frustration, anxiety, rage, etc. so you can have calm peace. It is powerful enough to release these low frequency emotions from the cells of your body so you can enter into calm. This powerful blend of pure organic & wildcrafted essential oils can emotionally calm you and let your physical body rest, heal, and rejuvenate.
The Chakra Oils ~ For the Energetic Body 
The Chakra oils are ultra vibrational and work with the energy centers
of the body (your chakras). They work to bring the energy centers into balance to aid and support healthy energy flow into and throughout the body.
Focus Blend ~ For Your Mind
The Focus Blend was formulated to support and
boost healthy brain function.
It has essential oils used for hundreds and thousands of years for focus, concentration, healthy brain function, and memory boost.                                                                                                                                                                                       This oil blend is better for people who feel memory may be slipping, or to stay focused on a certain task. It's more for Memory and brain function issues.       

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Tobie the dog intuitively selects sage oil

You should see this darling little dog.  He is really cute--except for the itchy scalp under his fur.  Yesterday his owner brought home some sage essential oils that she had picked up for her personal use, and Tobie would NOT leave that bottle alone.  We muscle tested him and sure enough, he reacted positively to sage.  Animals benefit from essential oils too--especially dogs and horses.  Wouldn't it be great if we could all tell intuitively what was good for us like Tobie?

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Litsea, Tulsi, Elemi, Ginger...........Some of my favorite essential oils

I've been trying out some new essential oils--ones I'd never heard of before: Litsea, Tulsi and Elemi. (I got mine at www.fabulousfrannie.com.)   Oh, my goodness!!! I've used all three plus ginger and sage this week (from www.purifyskintherapy.com) and have been thrilled with their properties.  One of Litsea's strengths is skin care, and I was able to help my daughter-in-law with that.  My granddaughter spent too much time on a spinny ride and didn't feel so good afterward.  Ginger to the rescue.
Tulsi was funny because to my son it smelled like cedarwood, but to me it only smelled like clove.  It numbed my tongue a bit like clove would, but I used it topically on a spot on my back that needed attention. Ahhhh.   Much better!  And Elemi muscle tested really strongly for a friend who was worried about his liver.  Sage came in handy when my friend was fearful about some upcoming medical tests.  It got her through them OK.  Study Litsea, Tulsi, Elemi.....etc.  There are  MANY reasons to be grateful that God put them in this world so that we could be well.

Friday, November 6, 2015

How Can We Share Information without Censorship?

When I wish to write about my studies and experiences regarding my personal return to health, I'm always frustrated by the imposed censorship rules that make it illegal to speak freely any more.  When I wish to use words like cure, remedy, solution, health, diabetes, cancer, pain, fever, sciatica..........whatever the term may be.......... I am putting myself and others at risk.  
Do I trust the FDA?  the FTC?  The AMA?  Big Pharma?  Of course not.  Who is that foolish?
Do I trust that our government honestly cares about our personal health?  Of course not.  I'm not stupid.
But I do love Freedom and our Constitution that guarantees us the right to free speech.  I wish those in charge did too.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Frozen water crystals and aromatic(essential) oils

"When water is treated with aromatic floral oils, the water crystals tend to mimic the shape of the original flower. At left, water crystals were exposed to aromatic essence of chamomile."  I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM ANYONE ELSE WHO KNOWS MORE ABOUT THIS TOPIC!!!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Health Care--Past and Future Does Not Equal the Present

   After long recent years of handing our health care over to over-the-counter drugs and behind-the-pharmacy providers, it has become our habit to turn to synthesized medicine to mask symptoms instead of actually addressing the root cause.  This is not the past or the future of health care: it's only temporary insanity.  Regardless of mandates and fines, many of us are taking health care back into our own hands and actually recovering our health, reducing pain, treating symptoms as friends and getting rid of synthetic medicines. 
    Topics:  , pain, causes of disease, healthy water, herbs & supplements, personal experiences, reflexology, kinesiology, bio-magnetism, energy healing, symptoms, etc.
    Wanna join us?  Good.  Welcome aboard!