Friday, October 30, 2015

Frozen water crystals and aromatic(essential) oils

"When water is treated with aromatic floral oils, the water crystals tend to mimic the shape of the original flower. At left, water crystals were exposed to aromatic essence of chamomile."  I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM ANYONE ELSE WHO KNOWS MORE ABOUT THIS TOPIC!!!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Health Care--Past and Future Does Not Equal the Present

   After long recent years of handing our health care over to over-the-counter drugs and behind-the-pharmacy providers, it has become our habit to turn to synthesized medicine to mask symptoms instead of actually addressing the root cause.  This is not the past or the future of health care: it's only temporary insanity.  Regardless of mandates and fines, many of us are taking health care back into our own hands and actually recovering our health, reducing pain, treating symptoms as friends and getting rid of synthetic medicines. 
    Topics:  , pain, causes of disease, healthy water, herbs & supplements, personal experiences, reflexology, kinesiology, bio-magnetism, energy healing, symptoms, etc.
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