Friday, December 9, 2016

My "Condition" is a SYMPTOM of Imbalances, not a Life Sentence

I was told I could never lose weight.
I was told I'd have to wear compression garments 24/7  for the rest of my life to get rid of pain and swelling.
I was told that I would continue to swell uncontrollably and would lose my self-esteem.
I was told that there is no known remedy.
Were you told the same things?
I reject the prognosis.  I reject the pain.  I reject the probability of needing a psychiatrist.  I reject the weight.
Despite what I was TOLD, I've EXPERIENCED far better than this.  My inflammation is greatly reduced.  My swelling is going down.  My pain levels are decreasing and I am beginning to recognize myself in the mirror again.
How?  What did I change?  I changed the things that were causing the swelling, the pain, the inflammation.  I took inflammatory foods out of my diet and did a heavy metals/chemicals detox under the care of a qualified and experienced naturopathic doctor.  I addressed the parasites and yeast infections that have plagued me for years, I exercised more and I got the rest I needed.  I took whole food supplements and holistic liquids that targeted affected areas, guided by my doctor.  I had chiropractic care and acupuncture.  I use essential oils.  I LOVE ESSENTIAL OILS and research/use them every day. 

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